Lesson Planning - Technology Edition!
W e can't say that technology has never been used before in the classroom or during lesson planning, but, since the online school replaced the real-life one, teachers and students have been getting themselves more and more familiar with all the possibilities and tools technology has to offer. Starting from, of course, digital devices, and moving on to programs and apps that serve for a specific purpose or just make everything easier and more interactive. Starting from the most helpful and obvious technology tool, search engines such as Google, Bing or Yahoo, which provide numerous helpful apps, such as translators, docs, books, forms, sheets, and so on; then moving on to video platforms such as YouTube or Dailymotion, then moving on to general or specific apps and websites. The shift to remote learning had many teachers scrambling to find effective ways to share lessons, deliver instruction, and allow students to collaborate. Here are some of our favourite tools, divid...